Dates – Dias24 – 26 November
Reservations Luka +34 642-56-15-86
Energetic Exchange €420 (Full Program), €220 (A night ceremony)*
* To book your place please pay non-refundable advance 220 Euros for the whole program, or 120 euros for one night ceremony.

Beloved ones,

I am very blissful to announce and invite you with all my heart to this rare and unique 3 days retreat with a beautiful human being, Inca shaman, legendary Maestro Kush.

It’s a huge honor, because Maestro Kush’s experience is over 40 years. He began his practice very early, after the elders saw a special gift, that he carries. The gift of combining ancient cultures, channeling and healing power through medicinal songs that comes to him during meditation.

Each of you will have the opportunity to INDIVIDUALLY experience the work of Maestro during the ceremony of “Prophecy.”

MAESTRO SPEAKS ENGLISH, which is very good to open your self up more in the ceremony as you will not require a translator. (this is for those who don’t speak spanish)

The message, which Maestro travels and works:

“We need to be ready because we are already experiencing a new period on the earth, the period of spiritual development in a new era of light. These are times of changes and transformation to the enlightenment which means spiritual knowledge. Because of that we are able to understand much better the spiritual side and we are able to reconnect with the earth energy”

Pacha Mama.

These are times when the earth is so polluted and pre- dated. Because of that it is so important to change our minds and to have a very positive at- titude to face this life.
It is very important to clean our soul so this way we can get the mental, psychological physical & spiritual equilibrium.”

This 3 day retreat includes:

  • 2 night ceremonies(friday & saturday)
  • Temazcal- sweat logde (sunday)
  • Individual Oracle reading
  • Offering to Mother Earth ceremony

Price includes all of the above program plus place to sleep and full vegetarian catering.

If you have any questions or you already know you want to participate, don’t hesitate to contact me.

On behave of Maestro Kush and myself ones again i invite you for this amazing amazon journey.

To find out about Maestro Kush, please visit the website


Lukasz Med